Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello everyone :)

Hi everyone my name is kendall pitts and i decided to start this blog because my friends say i give really good advice and im a great person to talk to. I'm almost positive that my blogs will be directed to the youth and the girls that were at the ycl over niter :)( and brakell) you know who your are. So girls if there's anything you want me talk about just let me know on facebook. My goal for this blog is to blog at least once a day but im sure ill go for two :)! I really want this blog to relate how you guys are feeling i want it to be a type of comfort you to know that any of the problems you having with life, boys, family ect other people are feeling it to. I would like to thank those who inspired to me make a blog , i have a good feeling that it will be very rewarding to myself and others. I decided to make the main tittle for all this diary's of a virtuous young women because i feel like there's a lot to say. We live our lifes the way we are suppose to but, we are not perfect we go threw things to and this blog is for you guys. So please read my blog daily and if your my friend on facebook let me know what you think. thank you :)
xoxo a virtuous young women

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